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Reflective writing workshop: Manifestations

5. apríl kl. 16:00-18:00

After entering spring equinox, and embracing the return of the light, it's about time to turn our reflections into manifestations. Where I'd like to shift my focus? How I'd like to grow? Which obstacles I'm prepared to face? And are there any hidden fears that hold me back?

As usual, all you need is to bring your notebook, and a pen!

Where? Netagerðin, 2nd floor, Ísafjörður
When? April 5th, Saturday, kl. 16:00 - 18:00 (the morning group is already full)

Don't forget to register write.it.out.greta@gmail.com - the space is open, but limited.

And yes, in your monthly calendar, you surely have those 2 hours for your mental health!

See you all in a bit!