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Ögur Festival

July19 - 21

Price description


Ögur festival takes place on July 19th - 21st in Ögur, Ísafjarðardjúp. The program starts Friday with a fermented skate lunch, followed by Happy Hour in the afternoon, Pub Quiz in the evening and bonfire with music in the night. On Saturday morning there is a history walk in Ögur followed by mass in Ögurkirkja. A Beerpong tournament is held friday and saturday and the famous Ögurball late evening with the band Fagranes playing music until morning has broken.

Included in the ticket price (8000 ISK) is a campsite, rhubarb porridge and access to the ball. There is an age limit of 18 years in the area, based on birthday.

GPS points

N66° 2' 13.160" W22° 43' 40.679"


Ögur, Súðavíkurhreppur, Iceland
