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July 5 - 25

OPNUN: Flowline
Neðri - Tunga, Ísafirði
Location: in the barn, enter through the doors facing the golf course.
05.07 – 25.07 2024
Opening 5th of June at 16PM
During the exhibition period, it is open mon - sat from 10 AM to 16 PM.

You are invited to the opening of the exhibition Flowline on Friday, July 5, 2024, at 4:00 PM in Neðri Tunga, Ísafjörður. The exhibition is located in the barn. Light refreshments will be served.

Flowline is a part of Rannveig Jónsdóttir's master's project from the Malmö Art Academy, Sweden.

"In January 2019, I left Ísafjörður for a few days on a trawler named Páll Pálsson ÍS-102. At sea, I kept a diary, took photos, and documented the soundscape of the ship. The journey was characterized by seasickness, repetition, and isolation."

The soundscape on board the trawler resonates in 5 sound sculptures scattered throughout the space, placing the viewer on board the ship, along with 9 sculptures based on a formula the artist devised using weather and location data of the trawler.

Special thanks to Hrafn Guðmundsson at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, H-G Fisheries, and the crew on board the Páll Pálsson ÍS-102. The exhibition is supported by the Ísafjörður Town Summer Event Fund.

Rannveig Jónsdóttir (b.1992) is a visual artist based in Ísafjörður, Iceland. Rannveig works primarily in the media of sculpture and sound. In her installations she combines scientific and fictitious perspectives exploring human tragedies and experiences. She holds a BA from the Iceland Academy of the Arts (2017) and an MFA from Malmö Art Academy (2019). Alongside her Studio Practice she teaches at Isafjördur secondary school and is a co-ordinator at Ísafjörður Art Museum.


Neðri Tunga, Ísafjörður (í hlöðunni)